Wohnen in Magdeburg

Affordable Housing for Everyone

A focal point of the association's work is affordable housing for all social strata, especially in regions with tense housing markets. In order to reach this goal, the Federal Government and the Federal States ("Länder") have to manage to reduce the sharply increased construction costs. The challenge to provide more building land and thus to reduce the high property prices is even more important. Municipalities should expand their range of building land. Furthermore, they need to mobilize the existing building land and then make sure that economically priced building sites are made available for the construction of affordable housing. In order to improve the framework for an effective local property policy, the instruments on landownership and city planning should be refined. 

The working group "Active Property Policy" which the DV organized and which is embedded in the Federal  "Alliance for Affordable Housing and Construction" ("Bündnis für bezahlbares Wohnen und Bauen") already has developed comprehensive recommendations on this subject which are partially being put into practice, for example the dispose of Federal real estate at reduced prices or the introduction of a new category in the German building and land use regulations ("Baunutzungsverordnung"): The new category "urban area" allows a denser and more mixed-use development in noise exposured areas. Until mid-2018, different pilot cities tested a measure on internal development ("Innenentwicklungsmaßnahme") for the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community in the frame of a simulation game. This measure shall help to better mobilize undeveloped or underused building plots in the inner cities. No it is important to further develop this measure and to broaden the instruments. In order to do so, in 2018 the Federal Ministry of the Interior summoned (inter alia) a commission of experts for residential land which DV is managing.

Unsere konkreten Aktivitäten im Bereich bezahlbares Wohnen und Immobilienmärkte:

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© Johannes Woebse