Interreg Players of the east German federal states discuss mobility and spatial development
In the beginning of 2018, the German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development (DV), the Joint State Planning Authority Berlin-Brandenburg and the east German federal ministers responsible for transport and regional planning started a cooperation called "TransRegio Alliance".
The aim of the alliance is to continue the joint work on better connecting rural regions with the Trans-European Networks "Transport" (TEN-T). Furthermore, they want to better connect local transport nodes with the core nodes and strenghten urban-rural partnerships in their regions. In their work, the partners also take into account the aims of the "Berlin Declaration" of 2007. The Federal Programme on Transnational Cooperation financially supports the project.
The Interreg programmes, which support many projects in the cooperation areas Baltic Sea Region and CENTRAL EUROPE, are important tools for the spatial development of the East German Federal States. Interreg helps to identify similar interests and challenges and to transfer them into concrete activities.
TransRegio Alliance reflects the wish of many players to better network and cooperate in the field of transport and mobility and to consolidate yet existing informal cooperation structures. In the context of TransRegio Allicance, the participants are able to better synchronize their approaches, as well as to share and feed back information with the political and the operative level in the relevant ministries. This helps the Interreg players to increase the efficiency of their work.
Funded by the Federal Transnational Cooperation Programme
TransRegio Alliance is supported by the Federal Transnational Cooperation Programme in the category "Additional Funding" of the Interreg project Peripheral Access. It runs for 2.5 years (2018-2020). From the Federal Government's point of view, the special interest of TransRegio Alliance is in the linkage of existing projects dealing with transnational transport with the participating federal states of eastern Germany.
In 2007, the federal state ministries responsible for spatial development of the Länder Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Thuringia signed the Berlin Declaration on Spatial Development in the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor. The declaration aimed at positioning the Baltic-Adriatic Development Corridor as an economic agglomeration area and as spatial planning model and thus strengthen the participating regions. The corridor extends from Scandinavia via the eastern German Federal States to the Mediterranean Sea. The Interreg IV B projects Scandria® and SoNorA gave an important impetus for this process. The focus of the work was on establishing an attractiv transport infrastructure by extending the Trans-European Networks and on improving the connectivity of rural regions by better linking them to these transeuropean nodes and tracks.
Also after the signing of the Declaration, many challenges remain to be tackled. Against the background of ensuring equal living conditions, especially the connectivity of rural regions is a crucial task. For this, transport and mobility play a key role, because the competitiveness of regions regarding public services of general interest, jobs, income etc. depends largely on their connectivity, as well as on the accessability of central locations.
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