The German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development (DV) is a neutral and non-profit platform for integrated urban development and housing. In Germany and Europe, DV is actively involved in the political and professional discourse. The association brings together policymakers and stakeholders from all sectors and levels, including politics, administration, economy, jurisprudence and scince. Accordingly, the overarching goals of the DV are the exchange of experience, the discussion and coordination of different interests, and the elaboration of new approaches and policies in urban as well as spatial development. <link en ueber-uns.html internal-link internen link im aktuellen>More »
The English version of the DV homepage is currently under construction and various statements and studies are exclusively available in German. However, if you are interested in the general activities of the DV or in particular publications, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or phone, as we are pleased to give you information in English on demand.